
Fiji map shows detailed political and physical features of the country and uses relief shading with different color hues to depict the height above sea level. All major cities including the capital city of Suva are clearly marked on the map. You can use this map as wall decor in homes and offices. It is also a perfect gift option for map lovers around the world.
This map is available in 17 x 22 in. Please select a finish of your choice
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Price from $25.99

Fiji Map

This Fiji map shows detailed political and physical features of the country and uses relief shading with different color hues to depict the height above sea level. Most major cities in Fiji are shown on the map including the capital city, Suva. The footer also has a small flag of the country. This light blue national flag has a Fijian shield-of-arms taken from the National Coat of Arms centered on the outer half of the flag.

You can buy this map in three different selections of finishing material - paper, matte plastic, and lamination.

Where is Fiji?

The island country of Fiji in Melanesia is a part of Oceania in the South Pacific Ocean. It is surrounded by water bodies in every direction. However, there are still other islands and nations nearby. Like, the Polynesian island of Tuvalu that lies to the north of Fiji.

Its other surrounding areas are:

  • Vanuatu to the west
  • New Caledonia to the southwest
  • Wallis, Futuna, and the Samoas to the northeast
  • Tonga to the east
  • Kermadec Island and New Zealand to the southeast

Fiji has a total land area of about 18,300 square kilometers (7,100 sq mi) that consists of an archipelago of more than 330 islands- of which 110 are permanently inhabited- and more than 500 islets. Out of which the most outlying island is Ono-i-Lau and 2 major islands are Viti Levu and Vanua Levu.

More Information
SKU dmsg-rel-fiji-1
Map Scale 1:2,200,000
Flat Size 17 x 22 in
Publication Date 2018
Publisher Name MapSherpa
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