Shuswap Lake Map

Shuswap Lake map uses relief shading to highlight traditional topographic features like elevation contours, landforms, lakes, and rivers along with roads, rails, trails, and park boundaries. The base map shows key points of interest such as campsites, trailheads, and landmarks. Major settlements shown in the map include Salmon Arm, Celista, Lee Creek, Squilax, Eagle Bay, etc. The map is available in high-quality print in your choice of orientation, size, and finishing material. You can also customize the map around your central location. If you have any questions, reach out to us over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us.

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Shuswap Lake Map

The Shuswap Lake map BC exhibits beautiful cartography and covers nearby cottages, resorts and other points of interest. It highlights traditional topographic features like elevation contours, landforms, lakes, and rivers using relief shading. The map is overlaid on a base map that shows key points such as campsites, trailheads, and other major landmarks. It is a perfect tool for exploring the lake and its nearby places. Major settlements shown on the map include Salmon Arm, Celista, Lee Creek, Squilax, and Eagle Bay.

You can buy the map in high-quality print with your choice of title, orientation, size, and finishing material. The map is also available for customizations according to your requirements.

About Lake Shuswap

Located in South-Central British Columbia, Shuswap Lake is the heart of Shuswap Country or "the Shuswap". It consists of four arms namely Salmon Arm (southwest), Shuswap Arm (west), Anstey Arm (northeast), and Seymour Arm (north). The length of the lake is 89 km (55 mi), width is 5 km (3.1 mi), and the maximum depth is 161 m (528 ft). The name "Shuswap" is derived from the Shuswap or Secwepemc First Nations people, the most northern of the Interior Salish peoples, whose territory includes the Shuswap.

You can also view the Great Lakes maps like Lake Michigan map, Lake Superior map, and Lake Ontario.

More Information
SKU 9ec2ccde4ea71cd83900cdedf628db72-Shuswap-L-BC
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa
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