Duncan British Columbia Map

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Duncan BC map

Customize a Duncan, British Columbia map by MapSherpa at MapTrove. Map features major street details like highways, primary & secondary roads, landmarks, recreational areas, schools, church, post office, hospitals, exhibition centres, industrial complexes and other business-centric features. It also comes with full street-labelling for easy reference. Block numbers and street direction afford detailed city level maps. Additional details on the map include infrastructures such as airports, hospitals, shopping malls, exhibition centres and industrial complexes.

A detailed map legend given at the bottom includes all the key symbols used over the map for identification of important features overlaid on it. You can order the map in different sizes, finishing options, orientation & with a title of your own. The map can be zoomed in and out to locate places of your interest, cropped and bought online.

Nearby Cities

Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Edmonton.

Popular Places

BC Forest Discovery Centre, Cowichan Valley Museum, Pacific Northwest Raptors, Koksilah River, Cowichan Native Village, Bright Angel Regional Park, Mount Prevost, Zanatta Vineyards, Chances Cowichan, Somenos Lake, Quamichan Lake.


The Duncan city serves as the economic hub for the Cowichan Region. It also provides healthcare, retail and professional services, and cultural tourism. The city is also a business centre for fishing, farming, forestry and tourism industries.

Click to view more British Columbia Maps with cities and towns.

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SKU 9ec2ccde4ea71cd83900cdedf628c943-Duncan
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

