Houston British Columbia Map

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Houston BC Map

Houston BC map is ideal for the business owner who needs local or regional road network information about the city. The map highlights Houston Municipal, Town, and Zip Code boundaries. You can also locate the major road, highway infrastructures with detailed street labeling.

Use this map for planning deliveries, catchment area or sales territory. To customize the map around your preferred location click on 'Close Preview' button on the map. Before placing an order, select a size, orientation, and finishing material of your choice.

About Houston BC

The town of Houston in the Bulkley Valley of the Northern Interior of British Columbia is known as the town of forestry, mining, and tourism. It is also known as the "steelhead capital" and it has the world's largest fly fishing rod. Their tourism industry is based on ecotourism and Steelhead Park. The town has a total land area of 72.94 km2 (28.16 sq mi) and a population density of 41.0/km2 (106/sq mi).

Houston has rich wildlife and it is not uncommon to spot moose, deer, black bear, grizzly bear, cougars and so on. The famous Nanika River feeds the Morice Lake in the region and produces sockeye salmon.


This area was first charted by amateur historian, cartographer, and geologist, Reverend Adrien-Gabriel Morice (1859-1938). He came to BC as a Catholic missionary to the native people and was one of the first 'white men' to see most of the area. He wrote about the area in "The History of the Northern Interior of British Columbia".

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SKU 9ec2ccde4ea71cd83900cdedf628c943-Houston_BC
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

