Windsor Nova Scotia Map

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Windsor NS Map

Windsor map is ideal for the business owner who needs local or regional road network information about Windsor, Nova Scotia. This multi-scale map features all the key political details like the location of major and secondary highways, tertiary highways, major roads, streets, ferry routes, parks, recreation areas, townships, wildlife parks, shopping centers and more. Clear labeling of place names and landmarks make it ideal for reference. You can also use this Windsor NS map for various business purposes like service delivery, catchment area or sales territory.

The map can also be customized around the location of your choice by clicking on 'Close Preview'. You can also select your desired title, size, and finishing materials before buying.

About Windsor

Windsor town located in Nova Scotia’s Hants County is a service centre for the western part of the county and is situated in central Nova Scotia, at the confluence of the Avon and St Croix rivers. According to the 2016 Census of Population, the Windsor town recorded a population of 3648.

See more of the Windsor neighborhoods map.


The economy of Windsor is primarily based on manufacturing, tourism, education, and government services. Windsor is one of the major automobile manufacturing centers that is home to the headquarters of FCA Canada. With a well-established tourism industry, the city has been a major draw of U.S visitors. The diversifying economy is represented by companies involved in pharmaceuticals, alternative energy, insurance, internet, and software.

Landmarks and Buildings

Cradle of Hockey, Howard Dill's Farm, Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia, Windsor Hockey Heritage Museum, Trecothic Creek & Windsor Railway, Hants County Exhibition Grounds, Windsor Playland.

Publisher: MapSherpa

MapSherpa is recognized as a modern-day map distributor that brings in high-quality international map publisher content to market through secure print on demand technology. The publishing company has been working towards global map distribution since the past 20 years. With easy-to-access print on demand services and user-friendly digital mapping content, MapSherpa has gradually shifted focus into the map publishing and retail industry.

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SKU svd_on_windsor_NS
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

