Telegraphs Map of Ontario and Quebec (1906)

Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the telegraph network for Ontario and western Quebec. Two or more lines may follow the same route, but only one line is indicated on the map. Therefore, well-settled portions of the country like Southern Ontario and Southern Quebec may have two or three telegraph lines serving the principal towns along each route indicated. Most telegraph lines follow alongside railway lines. The map indicates the shore portions of the various cable lines. It also includes major cities, counties, rivers, major bodies of water the railway systems.


Telegraph Map of Ontario and Quebec Provinces

Contained within the 1st Edition (1906) of the Atlas of Canada is a map that shows the telegraph network for Ontario and western Quebec. Two or more lines may follow the same route, but only one line is indicated on the map. Therefore, well-settled portions of the country like Southern Ontario and Southern Quebec may have two or three telegraph lines serving the principal towns along each route indicated. Most telegraph lines follow alongside railway lines. The Ontario Quebec Canada map indicates the shore portions of the various cable lines. It also includes major cities, counties, rivers, major bodies of water the railway systems.

Telegraph system in Canada

The first telegraph message transmitted in Canada was sent from Toronto to Hamilton on December 19,1846 by the Toronto-Hamilton-Niagara and St. Catherines Electro-Magnetic Telegraph Company. It was also the birth of Canada's telecommunications industry. The invention of the telegraph signaled a revolution in communicating over distances.

About Publisher: Natural Resources Canada

Natural Resources Canada works to ensure the responsible development and use of Canada's natural resources and the competitiveness of Canada's natural resources products. The company is an established leader in science and technology in the fields of energy, forests, and minerals and metals and use expertise in earth sciences to build and maintain an up-to-date knowledge base of landmass.

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SKU nrcan-294033-1
Map Scale 1:2,217,600
Flat Size 24.25 x 17.25 in
Publication Date 1906
Publisher Name Natural Resources Canada

