London Ontario Postal Code Map

Use the postal code London Ontario map for quick reference of infrastructures & other street details like interchanges, weigh stations and tolls. Create multiple maps by customizing the base map around the area of your choice. Search for the location on the map, use the zoom buttons and drag arrows to define the print area. This high-quality map labels all the postal codes of the area with clear boundaries. You can use this for tracking down delivery service areas, sales territories, and catchment areas.

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London Ontario postal code map

The postal code map of London Ontario is chock-full of details and you can easily refer to the map for quick reference of infrastructures & other street details like interchanges, weigh stations and tolls. It also features airports, hospitals, shopping malls, exhibition centers, industrial complexes & other business-centric areas. You can use this map for tracking down delivery service areas, sales territories, and catchment areas.

Create multiple maps with up-to-date information using this London postal map. Search for a location on the map, use the zoom in and out buttons and define your desired print area. You can also preview the map after making all the adjustments. Further, personalize the map by adding a title, and selecting a size, orientation, and finishing material.

About London Ontario

London is located in the Southwestern Ontario along the Quebec City–Windsor Corridor. It is at the confluence of the Thames River, approx 200 km from both Toronto and Detroit; and about 230 km from Buffalo, New York. London is the largest Southwestern Ontario municipality and the 11th largest metropolitan area of Canada. It is also the regional center of healthcare and education in Ontario.

You can also view the street map of London Ontario.

About Postal Code

Canada had approx 834,000 postal codes in 2011, according to Statistics Canada. These codes are written in an ANA NAN format. The first segment of the code is known as the 'forward sortation area' (FSA) and is used to identify the geographic location of the address. The Forward Sortation Area of London, Ontario ranges from N5V to N6P.

The second segment is called the 'location delivery unit' (LDU), it represents either a specific address or group of addresses. It can cover an entire city block, all of a high-rise, a small rural community or even a single house.

These postal codes come in handy while:

1. Locating the nearest postal outlet.

2. Identifying your federal riding and member of parliament.

3. Finding the nearest bank branches and ATMs as most Canadian banks also have online tools that use postal codes.

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SKU ecfe74dcf99c2bec1d4450323d39fec2-London_ON
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

