Keremeos British Columbia Map

Customize this Keremeos British Columbia Map around the area of your interest such as a business location, sales territory or anything you like. You can zoom the map in or out, center on your location through search or move it around. You can preview the map again after the adjustments before ordering. We will ship a high quality print of your selection in the orientation, size & paper finish of your choice.

We also offer a premium version of this Keremeos British Columbia Map using TomTom's map data starting at $39.99. If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer over the phone (866) 525-2298 or write to us


Keremeos BC Map

The detailed Keremeos BC map is ideal for the business owner who needs local or regional road network information. It shows rich regional map data like highway infrastructure including interchanges, weighs stations, and tolls. Full street labeling highlights block numbers, street directions, and major infrastructures like airports and hospitals.

The map is available in various sizes, orientations, and finishing materials and can be used for planning deliveries, catchment area or sales territory. You can also customize this map around your preferred location like your business service area by clicking on 'Close Preview'.

About Keremeos BC

The village of Keremeos in the Southern Interior of British Columbia ranges from cottonwood groves along the river to dense orchards and farms, to desert-like landscapes and surrounding mountains.

Main industries here are horticulture, agriculture, ranching, and wine-making, among others. Local economy consists of Fruit stands. Various fruits like apples, cherries, peaches, and vegetables are grown in the village's dry warm climate. The vineyards and wineries are also being added as the valley's wine-growing potential are being recognized.

The famous tourist attraction spots include the Red Bridge, the Keremeos Columns and the Grist Mill, Cathedral Provincial Park, Apex Mountain Resort, Twin Lakes Golf Resort, Spotted Lake, the Hedley Mining Museum and the Mascot Mine.

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SKU 9ec2ccde4ea71cd83900cdedf628c943-Keremeos_BC
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

