The Universe

As far as we can see with our ever-improving telescopes, there are at least a hundred billion galaxies arrayed throughout the universe. Each, like the Milky Way, is an island universe containing billions of stars. This map uses graphic leaps of scales to show how our solar system fits within the vastness of the universe. The map also includes a universe timeline and a description of its evolution.


As far as we can see with our ever-improving telescopes, there are at least a hundred billion galaxies arrayed throughout the universe. Each, like the Milky Way, is an island universe containing billions of stars. This map uses graphic leaps of scales to show how our solar system fits within the vastness of the universe. The map also includes a universe timeline and a description of its evolution.

Map Trove’s ‘The Universe Map’ is an appealing poster that brings forth the glimpse of our Universe, as appearing during the night. It is composed of a black background and uses graphic leaps of scales for the different portrayals of the universe. Additional information on all the movements happening in the cosmos makes the map even more interesting. Crucial elements of the Universe including details about the Size of the universe, the galactic realm, the local group, sun’s neighbourhood, the solar system, and supercluster are factually described with clear imageries that glow in the darkness.

Size of the Universe : The radius of the observable universe is estimated to be about 46.5 billion light-years and its diameter about 28.5 gigaparsecs.

The Galactic Realm : The realm of galaxies are massive islands of stars, gas and dust in the universe; they are where stars and planets are born and eventually die. Galaxies are cosmic factories of creation - where it all happens on a very grand scale.

The Local Group : The galaxy group including the Milky Way. The Local Group comprises more than 54 galaxies, most of them are dwarf galaxies. Its gravitational centre is located somewhere between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Sun’s Neighbourhood : The locations of the star systems closest to the sun - the trio of stars constitute Alpha Centauri, a close companion to it and the more distant companion Proxima Centauri.

The Solar System : The gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it directly or indirectly, including the eight planets and five dwarf planets.

The Supercluster :A large group of smaller galaxy clusters or galaxy groups forms a supercluster. It is among the largest-known structures of the cosmos. The Milky Way is part of the Local Group galaxy group (which contains more than 54 galaxies), which is again a part of the Laniakea Supercluster.

Buy Online

You can preview and place an order for this enthralling map at MapTrove! Available in size 32 x 21 inches, finishing options can be chosen from paper, matte plastic, matte plastic with rails, and lamination.

Who can use ?

This National Geographic poster is a perfect gift for anybody who loves studying about the usual and unusual mechanisms of the universe. It covers core areas of Earth’s Spatial Science and helps one to have a better understanding of elements like the earth, space, galaxies, and the universe and remains a go-to-information source for students and teachers.

About Publisher : National Geographic

National Geographic is known to make the world’s best wall maps, recreation maps, travel maps, atlases and globes for people to explore and understand the world. Their expert team of cartographers continue to illustrate the world around through the art and science of mapmaking. With a long-held mission by creating the best of maps including recreation maps, travel maps, atlases, globes, and map applications.

The Map Department of the National Geographic Society, National Geographic Maps is located in Washington DC and Evergreen, Colorado.

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More Information
SKU ngmaps-RE00602011-1
Flat Size 32 x 21 inches
Publication Date 2000
Publisher Name National Geographic

