Windsor Quebec Map

Customize this Windsor Quebec Map around the area of your interest such as a business location, sales territory or anything you like. You can zoom the map in or out, center on your location through search or move it around. You can preview the map again after the adjustments before ordering. We will ship a high quality print of your selection in the orientation, size & paper finish of your choice.

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About the Windsor Quebec Map

An attractive map by MapSherpa highlights the town of Windsor at multiple-scales. One can use this map to create custom maps of the region and personalize it with a title, layout, size and finishing material. Major highways, secondary highways, tertiary highways, major roads, streets, private roads, paths, ferry routes, railroads, international borders, state/provincial borders, bus and train stations, military base, cemetery, cargo centre and government offices.

Full street labelling, block numbers and street direction afford detailed city level maps of Windsor, Quebec. Infrastructure such as airports, hospitals, shopping malls, exhibition centres, industrial complexes and other business-centric features are easily identifiable on the map.

Search for your place on the map by zooming in and out and define the area you want to print for the map and crop. The map uses a ground scale of 1:23,000 and you can buy this map by changing the extents, with your own title, orientation and finishing material.

The map is ideal for the business owner who needs local or regional road network information and it also helps in service delivery, catchment area or sales territory. This base map can be used to create multiple maps from city to county scales, and anywhere in between.


Majority of Windsor's economy is built on the pulp and paper industry and textile manufacturing.


The Windsor - Quebec City corridor is considered one of the most densely populated regions of Canada that extend 1150 km (710 miles) along Lake Erie, Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence Seaway extending through Southwestern, Central and Eastern Ontario and part of southwestern and Central Quebec. Much of this area is in close proximity to New York state or other U.S. border states.

Landmarks and Buildings

La Halte des Pelerins, Lac des Nations, Sanctuaire De Beauvoir, Promenade de la Gorge de la Riviere Magog, Sherbrooke's Murals on BaladoDiscovery, Musee De La Nature Et Des Sciences, Domaine-Howard Park, Parc du Bois-Beckett, le Parc Historique de la Poudriere de Windsor.

Population and Ethnicity

The population of Quebec’s Windsor town is 5367. The ethnicity of the region accounts for 96.1% of French-speaking people, 3.1% of English-speaking people, 0.7% of English and French together, while around 0.2% speaking non-official languages.

Publisher: MapSherpa

The map publishing and retail company MapSherpa is known for transforming the international distribution of Print Maps. It is recognized for bringing high-quality international map content to market and broaden future perspectives of map companies worldwide. By striking a balance between the world-class network of publishers with established retail partners in the UK, US, Canada, Australia and mainland Europe, MapSherpa regulates efficient delivery of maps to the global market.


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SKU svd_on_windsor_QC
Map Specification

Max Print Scale - 1:15,000

Min Print Scale - 1:2,000,000

Optimal Print Scale - All

Publisher Name MapSherpa

