
Mapping Associations build networking among professionals who are involved in mapping and geospatial services. Out of all the professional map associations, we have charted the top-ranked alliances together.

British Cartographic Society:

The British Cartographic Society is one of the world’s leading cartographic societies and its parent publication, The Cartographic Journal, is recognized internationally. This society is an association of individuals and organizations dedicated to exploring and developing the world of maps.

Membership includes mapping companies, publishers, designers, academics, researchers, map curators, individual cartographers, GIS specialists and ordinary members of the public with an interest in maps.

IMIA : International Map Industry Association

The International Map Industry Association (IMIA) represents a world of maps. IMIA is where mapmakers, publishers, geospatial technology companies, location-based services, content producers, and distributors come together to conduct map business. IMIA gives people a wider approach to connect with colleagues, customers and business partners so that you move along the line of developments in the mapping industry.

It is an ultimate global organization that represents the world of maps. By bringing together leaders from across the spectrum of mapping and location-oriented business, it helps to connect, share and inform the larger audience. With business networking and education conferences, meetups, exchange of business information, world IMIA membership is a proven global leadership opportunity.

International Cartographic Association: ICA

The aim of this mapping associations is to provide a forum for issues and techniques in cartography and GIScience. Their mission is to promote the disciplines and professions of cartography and GIScience in an international context. To achieve these aims, the ICA works with national and international governmental and commercial bodies, and with other international scientific societies.

North American Cartographic Information Society(NACIS):

The North American Cartographic Information Society is a United States based cartographic society founded in 1980, for academics interested in cartography.

This mapping associations is an apt place for map lovers and forms an enjoyable society of map enthusiasts. One can attend yearly meetings, be a part of an online discussion forum and work on several projects and publications that promote maps, mapmaking, and map information community.

The Society of Cartographers:

It is an association of cartographers based in the United Kingdom. The Society of Cartographers aims to support and encourage all those involved in the production of maps – whatever the method and format of map production. It promotes all the aspects of map making and maintains a high standard of cartographic illustration. They are focussed on the continual evolution of the mapping industry and how this relates to overlapping disciplines.


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